Workers pour concrete for the first elevated deck of the Quick Turn Around area at the Consolidated Rent-A-Car facility site.
Another view of the first elevated deck pour for the Quick Turn Around area at the Consolidated Rent-A-Car facility site.
An aerial view of the Consolidated Rent-A-Car facility site.
A view of the Consolidated Rent-A-Car facility site looking north
Workers installing duct banks that will carry wires for communications, data, low voltage and medium voltage to the rest of the building at the Consolidated Rent-A-Car facility.
Workers at the Consolidated Rent-A-Car facility Ready Return/Idle Storage building installing the pre-fabricated duct banks that will carry wires for communications, data, low voltage and medium voltage to the rest of the building.
Rebar being inspected for one of the shear walls, which help prevent the structure from wind and seismic activity, at the Consolidated Rent-A-Car facility.

Utility relocation and foundation work continues at the site of the future Center CTA station.

Falsework is erected to enable guideway construction at the future East CTA station.

Concrete for the final two upper columns at the future East CTA station cures.

Crews install pile caps, prefabricated metal forms and place grade beam steel at the future West CTA station.

Skilled craft measures prefabricated metal forms at the future West CTA station.

Utilizing a cast-in-place technique, guideway formwork is constructed in preparation for concrete placement.

At the future ITF-West station, dual tracks leading into and out of the station will converge into a single track.

Falsework and formwork to enable guideway construction is in place for a segment of guideway near the future ITF-West station.

Falsework materials are staged in preparation of guideway construction at the site of the future East-ITF station and the Airport Metro Connector.

Once the guideway is complete at the future ITF-West station, station construction can begin.

An aerial view from the old Control Tower of the future East CTA station.

A view of the guideway and Intermodal Transportation Facility-West where it turns at 96th Street.
The first steel beams for the third level of the Intermodal Transportation Facility-West.

The final completed slab-on-grade pour for the Intermodal Transportation Facility-West.

A view of the train guideway next to the Intermodal Transportation Facility-West.

A view of the first and second level of the Intermodal Transportation Facility-West.

An exterior view looking southeast of the Intermodal Transportation Facility-West.
A plane flies over the second level of the Intermodal Transportation Facility-West.