Aviation Careers Education ACE Academy

Aviation Careers Education ACE Academy

The LAX Community Relations team is currently reimagining the Aviation Careers Education (ACE) Academy. Check back with us soon for a 2020 virtual ACE Academy experience. To receive updates and be added to our email list, please call 424-646-7450 or email crelations@lawa.org.

ACE Flyer

Los Angeles World Airports' Aviation Careers Academy is a week-long motivational program designed to provide students with the basic understanding of career opportunities within the aviation industry, as well as general knowledge about Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). The program is open to all Los Angeles area middle school and high school students in communities surrounding LAX.



ACE Academy Resources


Click on tiles for more information.

ACE Flyer
ACE Flyer
ACE Schedule
ACE Schedule
ACE Interest Card
ACE 2017 Participants
ACE Flyer
ACE 2017 Participants
ACE Flyer
ACE 2017 Participants
ACE Flyer


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